- Sizes Available: 1.75 lb, 4 lb, 10 lb, & 28 lb
- EPA-registered granules repel venomous and non-venomous snakes
- Lasts 2 to 3 months after application
- Apply around the perimeter of area you want to protect
- 91% repellent rate of garter snakes and rattlesnakes
- Temporarily disrupts snakes' sensory reception without harm
- Contains Naphthalene (7%) and Sulfur (28%)
Having a problem with garter snakes or rattlesnakes invading your home, farm, or business property? Victor® Snake-A-Way® Snake Repellents can help repel these unwanted creatures. The long-lasting snake repellent granules should be spread around the perimeter of the area you want to protect. They begin working immediately to drive snakes away. Available in 1.75 lb, 4 lb, 10 lb, and 28 lb.
A snake relies on an olfactory sense organ - called the Jacobson’s Organ - to detect environmental stimuli important to its survival. The ingredients in Snake-A-Way® effectively disorient snakes by temporarily disrupting this organ, sending them in search of fresh air.
Snake-A-Way® snake repellent is registered with the Environmental Protection Agency and uses Sulphur and Naphthalene as its active ingredients. This means it will not have effects on humans or the environment when used as directed.